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What are the benefits of taking bird's nest regularly?

-Firstly with the obvious reasons, the high content of epidermal growth factor and proteins promotes healthy skin complexion.Secondly, bird's nest enhances your immune system thus making you less susceptible to common flu. Thirdly, bird's nest is exceptionally beneficial for pregnant women as it promotes cells repair and growth in both mothers and baby.


When is the best time to consume bird's nest?

-Best time to take bird's nest is when your stomach is empty to maximise the absorbance of nutrients. This is to maximise the amount of nutrients absorbed by your body. You can either take it first thing in the morning or before bed as long as there is at least 3 hours difference after you have dinner to ensure you have empty stomach when you take the nest.


How do you store uncooked bird's nest?

-Store the uncooked bird’s nest in the refrigerator and consume it within a month. Because our birds nest serve without preservatives.

How much should I consume?

-The recommended amount is 3grams – 5grams a day. One bottle of Mi Nest Bird nest contains 23grams of dry birdnest. Thus, 1 bottle consume up to 7times a week is recommended to get the amazing result by drinking constantly.

Who should avoid eating bird’s nest ?

-People who should avoid eating bird's nest are: Babies under six months old, people suffering from a cold, late-stage cancer patients, and those with protein allergies.

When can children start eating bird’s nest?

-Typically, babies can be introduced to supplementary foods once they're six (6) months old; you can include a small amount of bird's nest in their diet then.

*How to cook our Mi Nest Birdnest*

Take the bottle out from the refrigerator. Take 3-5g of Dry bird’s nest out from the bottle and put on a bowl. Simply stew with a slow cooker or steamer for 20-25 minutes. The Mi Nest bird’s nest is great to be serve.